Chat Tutorial in NetBeans/Deploy Text Client
Deployment is the copying of files from the Development directories to a location that will be accessed by the users. Do not expect these to be the same.
You will need a location for the destination of your developed code. This is referred to as PLAYPATH. Replace this with whatever you have chosen as that location. Create sub-directories lib and log.
When you build the Client, it creates a client.jar file in the dist directory of the Client project, and copies the libraries used into the lib sub-directory.
- Copy the whole of the dist directory to your PLAYPATH directory.
This is copied when copying the Client files.
When you build the Server library, it creates a server.jar file in the dist directory of the Server project.
- Copy the server.jar file into the lib sub-directory of PLAYPATH.
- Copy the server.ini and files from the src\server directory of the Server project to your PLAYPATH directory.
- Create an empty admins.txt file in your PLAYPATH directory.
- Copy h2.jar from the downloaded sources to the lib sub-directory, assuming you are using the h2 database.
Run it!
To test the server files open a command / terminal window in the PLAYPATH directory. Type the following lines (for a Windows system):
set LOCALCLASSPATH=.;lib/marauroa.jar;lib/log4j.jar;lib/h2.jar;lib/server.jar java -cp "%LOCALCLASSPATH%" marauroa.server.marauroad -c server.ini
For a UNIX / Linux system, use : instead of ; to define the LOCALCLASSPATH
The server should start up. You can copy these command lines to a command file if you wish, to make it easier.
The client will not run if the server is not started.
To test the client files open another command / terminal window. Type the following lines (for a Windows system):
set LOCALCLASSPATH=.;lib/marauroa.jar;lib/log4j.jar java -cp "%LOCALCLASSPATH%" -jar "client.jar" test1 test1
For a UNIX / Linux system, use : instead of ; to define the LOCALCLASSPATH
The client should start up. You can copy these command lines to a command file if you wish, to make it easier. The output should be something like:
0.1 Chat *test1* : test50 *test1* : test150
It will repeat forever; use Ctrl-C to stop it, or close the client window. Then use Ctrl-C to stop the server, or close the server window.
You might like to read the Text Client explanation.
You should not get any errors, but if you do then there are a few things you can check.
- Your directory and files should be as follows:
PLAYPATH (the location into which you chose to put your files) +- admins.txt (created in deploy server, above) +- client.jar (created for the client, and copied in deploy client) +- h2db.h2.db (created if the server runs successfully) +- h2db.lock.db (created if the server runs successfully) +- (created for the server, and copied in deploy server) +- server.ini (created for the server, and copied in deploy server) +- server_stats.xml (created if the server runs successfully) +- lib (sub-directory, created above) | +- h2.jar (copied in deploy server) | +- log4j.jar (copied in deploy client) | +- marauroa.jar (copied in deploy client) | +- server.jar (created for the server, and copied in deploy server) |- log (sub-directory, created above) +- server.log (created if the server runs successfully)
- Check the files were copied correctly into NetBeans and the .jar files have compiled correctly.
If these are correct, you can try to work out what is wrong from error messages, or delete everything and start again.