Chat Tutorial in NetBeans/Server

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We need some additional files that extend the Marauroa engine to have the behaviours that we want. These are the World class and the Rule class (you can use your own names for these, and those names must be entered in the server.ini file), with some files covering configuration. You can use the values suggested here, or your own. If using your own, make sure that you enter them correctly.

NetBeans Project (server)

Start the NetBeans IDE. Close all open projects.

Click New Project, choose Java and Java Class Library. Click Next, then give the Project Name as server. Change the Project Location to DEVPATH\DevChat (DEVPATH, see above); the Project Folder is shown as DEVPATH\DevChat\server with DEVPATH being your chosen location. Click Finish.

The empty Project is created in NetBeans. Under the Files tab you will see the directory structure it has also generated; check this using your file explorer.

Create a new directory named libs (i.e. DEVPATH\libs) so that it can be used by the rest of the Chat code.

Configuration choices

There are a few choices to be made about the configuration of our server. They are covered below, so make sure that you are reading the correct instructions.

  • This example is using the h2 database to store data. This uses a single file for storing the data, and does not need login credentials. You need to decide where the database file will be stored. This configuration is referred to as an embedded h2 database. It is further restricted by being single user access, meaning the server becomes that single user and you cannot access the database when the server is running.
  • MySQL can also be used but this is covered in the Chat Tutorial in NetBeans/MySQL page; you may need this if there is more to be stored in the database, or if you want a different security model. This will allow the database to be examined when the server is running.
  • The server and client code can be written and linked to the Marauroa engine as a jar file or as a NetBeans project if you have the source code. This choice affects the actions you must take.

Adding the Marauroa library

Choose the correct way depending on if you are using the marauroa.jar file, of have created a marauroa project from the source code.

Using the Jar file

Find the marauror.jar file from the download, and copy it to the libs directory (created above). Right click the Libraries branch of the server Project tree, and select Add Jar/Folder. Browse to the the libs directory for this project and select the marauroa.jar file. This will include the marauroa library with no view of the source code.

Using the marauroa project

Right click the Libraries branch of the server Project tree, and select Add Project. Make sure you browse to the correct file location and select the marauroa project that you created earlier. This will include your marauroa library that you built, and you can see the source code.

Right-click on the default package branch and add a new Java Class. Give the Class Name as World and Package as server. The default package will be replaced by the server package. Replace the template text with the following:

package server;


public class World extends RPWorld {
  private static World instance;

  public static World get() {
    if (instance == null) {
      instance = new World();
    return instance;

  public void onInit() {
    MarauroaRPZone zone = new MarauroaRPZone("lobby");

Right-click on the server package and add a new Java Class. Give the Class Name as Rule. Replace the template text with the following:

package server;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;
import marauroa.common.crypto.Hash;
import marauroa.server.db.DBTransaction;
import marauroa.server.db.TransactionPool;

public class Rule implements IRPRuleProcessor {
    private static Rule instance;

    private World world = World.get();

    private RPServerManager manager;

    public static IRPRuleProcessor get() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new Rule();
        return instance;

    public void setContext(RPServerManager rpman) {
        manager = rpman;

    public boolean checkGameVersion(String game, String version) {
        return game.equals("Chat");

    public synchronized void onTimeout(RPObject object) {

    public synchronized boolean onExit(RPObject object) {
        return true;

    public synchronized boolean onInit(RPObject object) {
        IRPZone zone = world.getRPZone(new IRPZone.ID("lobby"));
        return true;

    public synchronized void beginTurn() {

    public boolean onActionAdd(RPObject caster, RPAction action, List<RPAction> actionList) {
        return true;

    public synchronized void endTurn() {

    public void execute(RPObject caster, RPAction action) {
        if (action.get("type").equals("chat")) {
            RPObject chat_entry = new RPObject();
            chat_entry.put("text", action.get("text"));
            chat_entry.put("from", caster.get("nick"));
            chat_entry.put("turn", manager.getTurn());
            IRPZone zone = world.getRPZone(new IRPZone.ID(caster.getID().getZoneID()));

    public AccountResult createAccount(String username, String password, String email) {
        TransactionPool transactionPool = TransactionPool.get();
        DBTransaction trans = transactionPool.beginWork();
        AccountDAO accountDAO = DAORegister.get().get(AccountDAO.class);
        try {
            if (accountDAO.hasPlayer(trans, username)) {
                return new AccountResult(Result.FAILED_PLAYER_EXISTS, username);
            accountDAO.addPlayer(trans, username, Hash.hash(password), email);
            return new AccountResult(Result.OK_CREATED, username);
        } catch (SQLException e1) {
            return new AccountResult(Result.FAILED_EXCEPTION, username);

    public CharacterResult createCharacter(String username, String character, RPObject template) {
        TransactionPool transactionPool = TransactionPool.get();
        DBTransaction trans = transactionPool.beginWork();
        CharacterDAO characterDAO = DAORegister.get().get(CharacterDAO.class);
        try {
          if (characterDAO.hasCharacter(trans, username, character)) {
            return new CharacterResult(Result.FAILED_PLAYER_EXISTS, character, template);
          IRPZone zone = world.getRPZone(new IRPZone.ID("lobby"));
          RPObject object = new RPObject(template);
          object.put("nick", character);
          characterDAO.addCharacter(trans, username, character, object);
          return new CharacterResult(Result.OK_CREATED, character, object);
        } catch (Exception e1) {

          return new CharacterResult(Result.FAILED_EXCEPTION, character, template);


If there are no errors in the package, select Run, Build Project from the NetBeans menu bar. This will create server.jar in the dist directory. That file is required for the deployment.

Server Configuration

When the server is started it will read a set of configuration values from the configuration file server.ini. The first thing we will create are the encryption keys.

This program will generate the keys required. Choose the correct way depending on if you are using the marauroa.jar file, or have created a marauroa project from the source code.

Using the Jar file

Without the source code access to this program is limited using NetBeans. The easiest way is to run the program using a terminal window. Open a command / terminal window in the DEVPATH directory. Type the following lines (for a Windows system):

java -classpath libs\marauroa.jar

For a UNIX / Linux system, use / instead of \ after the libs.

As the program runs in the window, accept the suggested value of 512 (i.e. just press Return). This creates the keys and writes them to the screen. Copy the lines into the server.ini file (see below).

Using the marauroa project

In NetBeans, open the marauroa project, and expand the Source Packages branch. At the bottom of the list, expand the branch. Right-click on file and select Run File. Click in the Output window, and accept the suggested value of 512 (i.e. just press Return). You get:

# How long should the key be? [512]:

# Using key of 512 bits.
# Please wait while the key is generated.
# Moving your mouse around to generate randomness may speed up the process.

# Encryption key
n = 12345...
e = 15
d = 12345...
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 39 seconds)

where there are two long lines of numbers (shown above as 12345...). You need to copy those three number lines, and the comment line above them, for the server.ini file (see below).


In the server Project tree, right click on Source Packages, server branch and select New, Other, Other, Empty file. Give the name as server.ini and click Finish. A new empty file named server.ini is created.

Copy the following code into the server.ini window (note that the code below includes the Keys lines; don't copy them). Paste the four lines from the output of GenerateKeys into this file.

# Database information


# World and RP configuration

# Server information

# Encryption key
n = 12345...
e = 15
d = 12345...

server.ini configuration lines

Several lines can be changed to use your own values. Make sure you do this correctly. Leave the port, turn length, statistics and log4j configuration as they are.

Database location

This is using the h2 database. Configuration of others is possible.

The line starting jdbc_url=jdbc:h2:Chat gives the location and name of the database. This creates a database named Chat in the current (i.e. server) directory. See here [1] for the technical details.

TCP Port

The port is given as 5555; the client will try to connect to this port so it should not be changed (unless you change the port in the client; work this one out yourself).

Game classes

The lines world= and ruleprocessor= specify the classes to be used for these features. If you chose different class names above, use those names (and package) here.

Game Information

Use the four lines to specify your game name, version and message.

Log file configuration

Although you don't have to provide a Log configuration file, you can if you wish.

Create another empty file, as you did with the server.ini file, with a name of and copy the following code into it (NetBeans remembers the file types you created, so Empty will be on the first selection screen)

# Set root logging level to INFO, and create two output configurations
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, Console, File

# Paste all log entries to the console
log4j.appender.Console.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

# Paste all log entries to a daily log file
log4j.appender.File.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n

# Set priority to warning messages and above, disabling debug and info messages


You have created the two class files and compiled them into a java library, and created the server and logfile configuration files. The next step is to create the client files then follow the deployment instructions for preparing and testing your game.