Quest Builder

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This is a draft of a new quest builder system. At this point it is only a first idea that needs further refinement.

Example for Kill Creatures Quest

 * QUEST: CleanStorageSpace
 * <p>
 * <li> Eonna
 * <p>
 * <li> Eonna asks you to clean her storage space.
 * <li> You go kill at least a rat, a cave rat and a cobra.
 * <li> Eonna checks your kills and then thanks you.
 * <p>
 * <li> 100 XP, karma
 * <p>
 * <li> None.
KillCreaturesQuestBuilder quest = new KillCreatureQuestBuilder();
    .name("Clean the Storage Space")
    .description("Eonna is too scared to go into her underground storage space, as it is filled with rats and snakes.")

    .whenNpcWasMet("I have met Eonna at her house in Semos next to the bakery.")
    .whenQuestWasRejected("I do not want to clear her storage space of creatures.");
    .whenQuestWasAccepted("I promised Eonna to kill the rats and snakes in her basement.");
    .whenTaskWasCompleted("I have cleaned out Eonna's storage space.")
    .whenQuestWasCompleted("Wow, Eonna thinks I am her hero. *blush*")

    //.when(new SomeCondition())
    .respondToRequest("My #basement is absolutely crawling with rats. Will you help me?")
    .respondToRepeatedRequest("Thanks again! I think it's still clear down there.")
    .respondToAccept("Oh, thank you! I'll wait up here, and if any try to escape I'll hit them with the broom!")
    .respondToReject("*sigh* Oh well, maybe someone else will be my hero...")
    .respondTo("basement", "storage space").saying("Yes, it's just down the stairs, over there. A whole bunch of nasty-looking rats; I think I saw a snake as well! You should be careful... still want to help me?")
    .remind("Don't you remember promising to clean out the rats from my #basement?")

    .requestKill(1, "rat")
    .requestKill(1, "caverat");
    .requestKill(1, "snake");

    .greet("A hero at last! Thank you!")
    .rewardWith(new IncreaseKarmaAction(5.0)
    .rewardWith(new IncreaseXPAction(100));

Example for Request Item Quest

 * QUEST: Armor for Dagobert
 * <ul>
 * <li>Dagobert, the consultant at the bank of Semos</li>
 * </ul>
 * <ul>
 * <li>Dagobert asks you to find a leather cuirass.</li>
 * <li>You get a leather cuirass, e.g. by killing a cyclops.</li>
 * <li>Dagobert sees your leather cuirass and asks for it and then thanks you.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <ul>
 * <li>50 XP</li>
 * <li>80 gold</li>
 * <li>Karma: 10</li>
 * <li>Access to vault</li>
 * </ul>
 * <ul>
 * <li>None</li>
 * </ul>

ProvideItemQuestBuilder quest = new ProvideItemQuestBuilder();
    .name("Armor for Dagobert")
    .description("Dagobert, the consultant at the bank of Semos, needs protection.")

    .whenNpcWasMet("I have met Dagobert. He is the consultant at the bank in Semos.")
    .whenQuestWasRejected("He asked me to find a leather cuirass but I rejected his request.")
    .whenQuestWasAccepted("I promised to find a leather cuirass for him because he has been robbed.")
    .whenTaskWasDone("I found a leather cuirass and will take it to Dagobert.")
    .whenQuestWasCompleted("I took the leather cuirass to Dagobert. As a little thank you, he will allow me to use a private vault.");

    .respondToRequest("I'm so afraid of being robbed. I don't have any protection. Do you think you can help me?")
    .respondToRepeatedRequest("Thank you very much for the armor, but I don't have any other task for you.")
    .respondToAccept("Once I had a nice #'leather cuirass', but it was destroyed during the last robbery. If you find a new one, I'll give you a reward.")
    .respondToReject("Well, then I guess I'll just duck and cover.")
    .remind("Luckily I haven't been robbed while you were away. I would be glad to receive a leather cuirass. Anyway, how can I #help you?")

npc.addReply(Arrays.toList("leather cuirass", "leather", "cuirass"), "A leather cuirass is the traditional cyclops armor. Some cyclopes are living in the dungeon deep under the city.");

    .requestItem(1, "leather cuirass")
    .alternativeItem(1, "pauldroned leather cuirass")

    .greet("Excuse me, please! I have noticed the leather cuirass you're carrying. Is it for me?")
    .respondToReject("Well then, I hope you find another one which you can give to me before I get robbed again.")
    .respondToAccept("Oh, I am so thankful! Here is some gold I found ... ehm ... somewhere. Now that you have proven yourself a trusted customer, you may have access to your own private banking #vault any time you like.")
    .rewardWith(new EquipItemAction("money", 80));
    .rewardWith(new IncreaseXPAction(50));
    .rewardWith(new IncreaseKarmaAction(10));