
From Arianne
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I have registered with this wiki as I intend to contribute to review and improve the pages relating to the game engine. Hopefully I can make it easier for others to install the engine and to develop their own games.

I also play Stendhal, and may look at those pages. This is not my main objective.

Preparation area...

NetBeans and the Chat Tutorial

I am adding pages to create the Chat Tutorial using the NetBeans IDE. This is the development plan, but will not necessarily be completed in this sequence.

1) Create the Text Client, with no login selection or text entry. Server and Client are launched from a terminal window. This validates the communication between Client and Server.

2) Replace the Text Client with a GUI Client that allows registration and login, and echoes text to a Chat window.

3) Add a Web Page to launch the Chat Client.

4) Add explanation to all pages.

5) Ensure both Client and Server can be run in the NetBeans IDE to allow debugging.

6) Extend Chat with administration and user command options (e.g. banned list, /users or /quit)?

7) Use MySQL option for server database

8) Investigate and write NetBeans and Git

Issues with NetBeans Chat Tutorial

The following actions need to be taken / investigated with the Chat Tutorial

  • Logging in Client is not happening
  • Server log shows DB connection 4 times?
  • Server is not a Java Application, with Start and Stop buttons
  • Explanation of Text Client is not clear
  • Logging in marauroa code and your game using Log4j needs investigating and describing

When this is complete, I would like to extend this tutorial to a more complex game that uses more of the functionality of the Marauroa engine. This will probably call on existing pages that explain how to add to the Stendhal game. I need to think of what that game will be.