
Stendhal is completely open source, client, server, graphics, everything. You can contribute in various ways: For example by submitting bug reports or ideas for improvements, creating images and sounds, or writing the stories for quests. Last but not least by writing program code or testing the upcoming release.

Development button.png Introduction
An overview about the various ways you can contribute to Stendhal
C chat button.png Chat
You can chat with other players and developers. The logs of the development channel are also available here.
Wiki button.png Wiki
The Stendhal Wiki has helpful information for developers and contributors.
C bug button.png Report Bug
Did you find some bug? Please let us know.
Idea button.png Suggest Feature
Do you have a idea for an improvement? Please let us know.
Help button.png Submit Patch
Did you create some nice image or a modification of the source code? Please let us know.
Quests button.png Quests
Writing a nice quest is often the result of collaboration from multiple people with difference skills. Learn how you can help.
Test button.png Testing
Please help us test the upcoming release.
History button.png Changes
A list of changes recently committed to the source code repositories. Most of them will be part of the next release and we like to get feedback on them.
Manual button.png API Reference
Marauroa and Stendhal API reference.
© 1999-2025 Arianne Project
Server time: 23:06