We like to invite everyone to a meeting in Semos Townhall on 8th of June (Sunday) from 20:00 to 21:00 server time. You can learn the current server time, by typing /info in the chat line of the Stendhal client.
- On the last meeting, we discussed the new Stendhal website, which is live now. We like to learn about potential issue and ideas for further improvements.
- We want to talk a little about, why privacy is important. We have been using forced-https, Forward Secrecy and Strict Transport Security for quite some time now, as it is suggested by Reset the net. And since today, we even score A+ on ssltest. But there is still some work to be done.
- Does the recent change of limiting atk/def based on level has negative side effects? Did it fix the issues that it was supposed to fix? Is further rebalancing needed, e. g. of monster levels? Is it a bad idea that capped atk/def will become available again, when the player levels up?