2011-06-16 00:34:08

Fixing RP score calculation

Today we fixed an issue in the calculation of the RP score which caused it to not work for players below level 150 because of rounding errors.

For high level players this will only cause a change in the number of points but not in the ranking as the ranking was fine.

What was the problem? The RP score graph had an exponential growth (it includes XP). As a result the numbers got very large at the upper end of the hall of fame and very close to zero in the middle and lower part. In theory this is fine, but in practice it leads to rounding errors with hundredths of players having the same score in the end.

What was changed? The old calculation was missing a logarithm step and we fixed this bug. In simple words: The change is similar to saying "I am Level 299" instead of "I have 265,085,000 XP". While the difficulty and ranking does not change, the smaller numbers will fix the rounding error problem because they allow to move the decimal point to the right.

If you are interested in the details, please have a look at the Wiki page Fixing RP Score.

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