2012-09-22 12:11:22

Reflections after seven years of continuous active development

Stendhal's an open source morpg that a small group of developers have been adding to in their spare time, over the last seven years.

Somehow, it's a game which inspires loyalty. I've (kymara) been playing since 2006 and can remember many of the names who were around when I started. Now that I'm a core developer for the game and with hendrik, lead the project, it's great to see names crop up from years ago - players keep coming back to see what's been added recently.

Some players have clocked thousands of hours of playing time (which may have been idling or just chatting to friends.) It made me wonder ... what's the total playing time of all players?

We work really hard to preserve important data, so this question is answered by a very simple query on the database ... drum roll ...

Stendhal players have clocked up 81.3 YEARS worth of playing time.

That's a figure that should make anyone who has contributed to the game, really proud. In our spare time we've built a game which has provided literally years of amusement, education and friendship. Thank you.

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