2010-06-03 21:25:48

Stendhal Development on Tuesday 2010-06-08 in Semos

We had a Stendhal Development meeting in Semos on Tuesday, 2010-06-08.

You can see a summary of results and the full chat log at the Wiki page Stendhal Development Meeting 2010-06-08.

The next meeting is planned for Sunday, 2010-06-20, 20:00-21:00 server time. (That is 18:00-19:00 GMT). You can learn the server time from the bottom left hand corner.

The rough agenda was:

  • We want to give a short summary of the RL Arianne project meeting.
  • A short review of the changes since the last development meeting
  • Discussing your ideas on how to improve Stendhal
  • Adding translations of the Stendhal introduction page (and proof reading existing translations)
  • Splitting the quest page into individual pages and adding in-character information about the quest above the todo-list
  • Discussing whether all major paths should be flagged protected or not
  • Harold the trading manager - is he working well, how can we train players on using him most effectively?
  • Please add to it...
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