Jailed Barbarian


Lorenz is a jailed Barbarian on Amazon Island. It's a mystery why he is jailed there, but perhaps he needs help.


Lorenz, the jailed barbarian in a hut on Amazon Island
Princess Esclara the Amazon Princess
Princess Ylflia the Princess of Kalavan


  1. Lorenz ask you for a scythe to bring him
  2. You have to ask Princess Esclara for a 'reason' why Lorenz is jailed
  3. Once you told the reason to Lorenz, you have to bring him an egg
  4. You have to inform Princess Ylflia that he is jailed
  5. Once you told Lorenz greetings from Ylflia, you have to bring him a barbarian armor


20 gold bars
15 karma
52,000 XP


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