Vardrug Bonejaw Needs Help Creating a Shovel


Vardrug Bonejaw is building a shovel, but needs some help.


  • Vardrug Bonejaw, forger in Kirdneh City.
  • Woody, provides wood to make the shovel handle.


  1. (step(s) to get handle wood from Woody)
  2. Take 5 iron bars and the handle wood to Vardrug Bonejaw.
  3. (TODO remaining steps)


  • shovel
  • XP ???
  • karma ???
  • anything else ???

Repeatable: After shovel breaks.

Woody wants something in order to ship the wood to semos - (image created for special wood - not committed)
shovel quest begins with notice on bulletin board in semos bank... Vardrug Bonejaw stating that he is in need of materials to make a new shovel that he aquired plans for.
player goes to Vardrug Bonejaw to ask what is needed. Vardrug Bonejaw tells of a lumberjack in far-off Fado outskirts who is only one to provide the wood he needs for the handle of the shovel... that lumberjack is named Woody... Vardrug Bonejaw tells player that Woody will offer to carve the wood into handle... player needs to accept offer as Vardrug Bonejaw cannot carve it himself... Player goes to Woody and makes arrangements for the wood to be shipped to Vardrug Bonejaw. it takes 2 days to carve and 2 days to ship to kirdneh.
as you are beginning to leave, woody asks you if you have someone to carve the wood into a handle... you say, no, he says he can do it for a fee... he requests 20 logs for the fee... if you do not accept, the wood will be shipped to kirdneh without being carved and process will have to be started again
you accept offer so there is a wait time for his work... then he ships to kirdneh...

am revising this quest to use the new forger in kirdneh... before really offering the quest for the shovel... she asks for new blade and mug and brush, get appropriate names for these... blade made from carbon steel and 2 unicorn horns, mug maybe purchased or made, not sure yet... brush made from horse hair and wood... she gives story about having to shave every day so she needs best blade in fauimoni...
blade and brush made by the giant gnomes in deniran

shovel quest begins with notice on bulletin board in semos bank... Vardrug Bonejaw stating that she is in need of materials to make a new shovel that she recently aquired plans for.
  • player goes to Vardrug Bonejaw and says 'hi'
  • Vardrug Bonejaw replies normally, but with an additional blue 'shovel' indicating she has something else to say about shovel...
  • player says 'shovel'
  • Vardrug Bonejaw replies 'I have recently acquired plans for an exquisite shovel that i MUST make for you. Would you like me to make you one?'
  • player says 'no' (add 1 to length of time she needs to make shovel)
  • Vardrug Bonejaw replies 'I just KNOW that you will need this eventually. You should get it made now instead of waiting until you REALLY need it. I ask you, once again, would you like me to make you one?'
  • player says 'no'
  • Vardrug Bonejaw replies 'Don't come begging me to hurry up when you finally need one.' (add 1 more day to length of time she needs to make shovel.)
  • player says 'yes'
  • Vardrug Bonejaw replies 'I will need a piece of wood, for the handle, that is only supplied by Woody, a lumberjack east of Fado. You must make arrangements with him to ship it to me, so that I might begin the work on this wonderful shovel. Woody will offer to carve the handle. You must agree to that, because I do not have the skills to perform that function. I will also need 8 iron ore and 10 charcoal to make the blade and other parts of the handle, for the shovel. Iron ore can be found several places all over Faiumoni . Charcoal can be obtained from the little girl, camping on the way to Fado. I think her name is Sally. I worry about her.'
  • player gets to Woody:
  • player says 'hi'
  • Woody replies normally with an additional blue 'handle'
  • player says 'handle'
  • Woody replies 'Yes, I heard Vardrug Bonejaw has some new plans to make a spectacular shovel. So you need some of my special wood for the handle?'
  • player says 'no' add 1 day to carving time.
  • Woody replies 'You know that I am the only one who can supply that wood? Are you sure you do not want it?'
  • player says 'yes'
  • Woody replies 'I am sorry to hear that. You made the trip all the way here. Now you have wasted my time and yours. I will see you another time, then.'

add 1 day to carving time.

(yes to first question...)
  • player says 'yes'
  • Woody replies 'Wise decision, your shovel will be so good!' By the way, I could carve the handle for you. Would you like me to?
  • player says 'no' (add 1 day to carving time.)
  • Woody replies 'Thank you for your business. I will ship the wood to Vardrug Bonejaw in Kirdneh.'
  • player says 'yes'
  • Woody replies 'Excellent. I will get right on it and, when finished, I will ship to Vardrug Bonejaw in Kirdneh. Thank you for your business.'
  • player returns to forger in kirdneh says 'hi'
  • Vardrug Bonejaw says 'What can I help you with, my good person?'
(normal reply plus additional blue 'shovel')
  • player says 'shovel'
(check is made as to whether forger has received the handle yet...)
(code for checking if arrived)
  • handle has arrived
  • (code for figuring out how many days it takes to construct shovel)
numofdays = TODO
offer2carve = TODO
  • Vardrug Bonejaw says 'I see the handle has arrived, spendid! Now i have everything to construct this most precious shovel. Please

allow me numofdays days to create your new shovel. Thank you for your business.

  • return in numofdays days to pick it up.
(handle has not arrived)
(THIS IS NOT CORRECT LOGIC... please ignore, i am doing this in real time, so i made mistakes and i want to do some thinking now :D)
(if offer2carve = yes
  • Vardrug Bonejaw says 'You were offered the chance by Woody to carve the handle and you refused. You will have to begin again with obtaining the wood from Woody and letting him do the carving. I told you i could not do that.'
(if visitwoody4wood = no)
  • I am to believe that you have not been to see Woody yet for the wood for your shovel. Please do so and then i can begin work on it.
(if visitwoody4wood = yes)
(if offer2carve = no)
  • Something must have happened during your visit to Woody. Perhaps robbers showed up at the shop and you ran away. Whatever, you must visit with Woody again and ask about the shovel.
  • I see that you have not even spoken to Vardrug Bonejaw
i think this is sufficient for quest, but i am sleepy... please, whoever is here, let me know what you think


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