Scripts For Admins

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General Info

Highlevel admins can invoke scripts using the /script-command:

/script [-execute|-load|-unload] scriptname [params]

The default action is execute with simply executes the script. If you use load then all the modifications done by a previous invokation of this script are removed. You can remove everything a script did by invoking it with unload. execute is targeted at admins while load/unload is for developers. (But an admin may want to remove all summoned monsters in case some survived the raid and ran away).

As with every admin action, the invocation of scripts is logged. Do not abuse it.

Parameters Key

Type Examples Explanation
Required <param> Surrounded by angled brackets. Cannot be omitted.
Optional [<param>] Surrounded by angled brackets inside square brackets. May be omitted.
Required Verbatim param Must be typed exactly as displayed (e.g.: "param"). Cannot be omitted.
Optional Verbatim [param] Must be typed exactly as displayed. May be omitted.
Multiple * {paramA | paramB}
* {paramA | paramB <paramC1> [<paramC2>]}
Surrounded by curly brackets, divided by pipe (|). Any one of the parameters
or parameter groups may be used.
Ellipsis [...] Signifies that there can be an indefinite number of parameters.

Scripts and Parameters


Admin Portals

/script AdminPortal.class [<name>] <destination-zone> <destination-ref>
Creates a portal at the admin's position.
name: (optional) Name of new portal.
destination-zone: Target zone where player is teleported.
destination-ref: Portal reference where player is teleported.

/script AdminPortal.class <name> <destination-zone> <destination-ref> [level <min-level> <max-level> [<reject-message>]]
Creates a portal.
name: Name of new portal at the admin's position.
destination-zone: Target zone where player is teleported.
destination-ref: Portal reference where player is teleported.
level: If used, portal will check player level before teleporting.
min-level: Minimum level player must be to use portal.
max-level: Maximum level of player to use portal.
reject-message: Message shown to player when they don't meet the level requirements.

Admin Signs

/script AdminSign.class <zone> <x> <y> <text>
Places a sign saying text in the zone at (x, y). The first three parameters can be "-" to place the sign next to the admin.
/script AdminSign.class list
Lists all signs created by admins
/script AdminSign.class del <signnumber>
Removes the sign with that number (see list)
signnumber: Integer sign identifier.

Bet Manager

This Script summons an NPC who will collect and pay bets at a raid.

/script BetManager.class accept <opponent1> <opponent2> [...]
Summons the NPC and let it accept bets on <opponent1>, <opponent2>, ...
All parameters are names of players.

Then players can bet by saying something like:

  • bet 50 ham on fire
  • bet 5 cheese on water
/script BetManager.class action
The game master started the action closing the betting time.
/script BetManager.class winner <opponent>
After the game master has to tell the NPC who won.
opponent: Name of target player.

The NPC will than tell all players the results and give it to winners:

  • mort bet 50 ham on fire and won an additional 50 ham
  • hendrik lost 5 cheese betting on water

Note: Betting is possible in "idle conversation state" to enable interaction of a large number of players in a short time. (The last time i did a show-fight i was losing count because there were more than 15 players)

Entity Search

/script EntitySearch.class cname <creatureName>
Show the number of the specified <creatureName> respawn points for each zone. Zones with zero are not shown
creatureName: Name of target creature.
/script EntitySearch.class nonrespawn
Shows the locations of all creatures that don't respawn, for example creatures that were summoned by a GM, deathmatch creatures, etc. Sheep and pets are ignored.
/script EntitySearch.class zname <partialZoneName>
Shows all zone names that contain <partialZoneName> and shows all the creature respawn points in each of those zones.
partialZoneName: Name of target zone.

Server Reset

/script ServerReset.class
Use it in an emergency to shut down the server. If it is started in a loop, it will come back up otherwise it will stay down. If it is possible, please warn the players to logout and give them some time. Please note that it kills the server the hard way without doing a clean shutdown.

NPC Management

List NPCs

/script ListNPCs.class
Lists all npcs and their position.

NPC Shout

/script NPCShout.class <npc> <text>
Send a notification to all players using an NPC name.
npc: Name of target NPC.
text: Message that players will receive.

NPC Shout to one Zone

/script NPCShoutZone.class <npc> { <zone> | - } <text>
Send a notification to all players in a specific zone using an NPC name.
npc: Name of target NPC.
zone: Name of target zone.
-: Target zone will be your current zone.
text: Message that players will receive.

Portable Tavern Maid

/script Maria.class
Summons Maria, who sells food&drinks. Put her away after use, by teleporting yourself to int_admin_playground and executing the script again or use -unload

Player Management

Alter Player Loot Count

Intended for testing purposes.

/script AlterLoot.class <player> <count> <item>
Alters number of loots a player has for an item.
player: Name of target player.
count: Amount to set.
item: Name of item.
/script AlterLoot.class !help
Shows help information.

Alter Quest State

/script AlterQuest.class <player> <questid> [<state>]
Manipulates the quest state of a player.
player: Name of target player.
questid: Quest string identifier.
state: (optional) String state to set quest. If omitted, quest will be removed from player.

Deep Inspect

/script DeepInspect.class {character|username} <name>
Deep inspects a player and all his/her items and slots (except personal ones like !buddies and !ignore)
character: Inspect a single online player.
username: Inspect all characters registered to an account.
name: Character name or account username.

Drop Player Items

/script DropPlayerItems.class <player> [<amount>] <item>
Drop the specified amount of items from the player if they are equipped in the bag or body.
player: Name of target player.
amount: (optional) Number of items to drop.
item: Name of target item.


/script DisableFeature.class <player> <feature>
Disables a feature, like keyring, for a player.
player: Name of target player.
feature: Feature to be disabled.

/script EnableFeature.class <player> <feature>
Enables a feature, like keyring, for a player.
player: Name of target player.
feature: Feature to be enabled.

Fix DM

/script FixDM.class <player>
* If a player has killed all 10 creatures in deathmatch but the assistant is not giving victory, this script allows player to claim victory.
* The admin should check this is plausible then run the script. The player is then told they may claim victory. They will then gain their score and get the helmet increased, and the slot will be changed, just as though the assistant had got it right all along.
* If the player was lying or wrong, i.e. the state was "done" already, or non-existent, the script tells the admin who ran it and does nothing to player.
* If the player had bailed by mistake then the script sets the quest state to "done" so the player can leave when needed but the helmet must be fixed manually, as appropriate.
player: Name of target player.

Logout Player

/script LogoutPlayer.class <player>
Disconnects a player from the game.
player: Name of target player.

Restore Outfit

/script RestoreOriginalOutfit.class <player>
Restores player's original outfit if they are wearing a temporary one.
player: Name of target player.

Reset Slot

/script ResetSlot.class <player> <slot>
Resets the named slot such as !kills or !quests or !features. Useful for debugging. Use with extreme caution on main server.
player: Name of target player.
slot: Name of target slot.

Where are Players

/script WhereWho.class
Tells the game master where all the players are. This helps to decide whether to do a raid.

Summon Creatures


/script Plague.class <ringcount> <creature>
Summon a large numbers of creatures around you. Please note that ringcount must be below 3 in order to prevent the clients to die because of an OutOfMemoryError.
ringcount: Determines amount of creatures summoned by rings around summoner (max: 2).
creature: Name of creature to be summoned.

List Raids

/script ListRaids.class
instructions coming soon


/script AdosWildlifeRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script AngelRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script AnimalRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script BarbarianRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script BeholderRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script BlordroughRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script ChaosRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script CreateRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script DragonRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script DrowRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script DwarfRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script ElementalRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script ElfRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script FarmRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script FrogmanSheepmanRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script GnomeRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script ImperialRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script KoboldRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script LichRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script OniRaid.class
instructions coming soon

/script OrcRaid.class
instructions coming soon
/script ZombieRaid.class
instructions coming soon