Jenkins continuous integration server

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NOTE: the project no longer used Jenkins - AntumDeluge (talk)

Jenkins is an extensible continuous integration server. Some developers use local Jenkins instances for building Stendhal and Marauroa.

In production we don't use Jenkins, but Travis.


To install and run Jenkins you just need to download the jenkins.war from the Jenkins web site and have Java ready. To start the server you need a small start script that issues the following command:

java -jar jenkins.war

Once Jenkins is started, you can reach the user interface via your favourite browser if you open the following URL (assuming you have Jenkins on the same machine as your browser):


If you see the Jenkins interface loading, you have successfully installed Jenkins.

Configuration for Stendhal

To let Jenkins build Stendhal you have to match the following prerequisites:

  • ANT installed on the same system
  • JDK 7 installed
  • Git installed

Here is a list of Jenkins plugins that you may want to install via the Jenkins configuration. You can see what each plugin does, if you have a look at onto the wiki at the Jenkins homepage.

Other plugins to try:

In the main configuration you have to tell Jenkins where it can find all necessary things.

At every configurable point is a small help to tell what to configure here.

Setup a build job for Stendhal

The next steps show how to configure a basic build job for Stendhal.

Source Code Management

Build from Git

To build from Git, you need to have the Git plugin installed. Just select Git and configure the following parameters:

  • Repository URL
  • file:///your/path/to/stendhal
  • Branches to build
  • leave this empty if you want to build HEAD.
  • or choose a branch name to build

Build from the working copy

To build from the working copy:

  • have the File System SCM plugin installed
  • select "File System" from "Source Code Management"
  • Path: /your/path/to/stendhal

Build Trigger

Here you configure when a build is started. A possible way is triggering from Git at a certain time. This doesn't mean that Git tells Jenkins to start a build, but it tells Jenkins to check regularly on Git for changes and builds, when there were commits since the last build.

You also can start build at certain times not regarding changes since last build.

For both of this options you have to provide a cron like notation, when to check/build. For example, you could check every day at 5 am and build then.

Build Steps

To build Stendhal with Jenkins, we just execute three targets from the standard build.xml included in Stendhal source code. We let Jenkins first call clean test. This first cleans the workspace and starts a complete build including coverage measurement. Afterwards we start docs which generates a fresh API documentation from Stendhal.

Post Build Processing

After a build was successful certain steps follow to produce those nice looking reports and graphics. For Stendhal we use several reports to publish.

  • Publish Javadoc
  • check this option to publish the generated Java docs
  • provide api as directory for the docs
  • Publish JUnit test result report
  • check this option to publish the results
  • provide **/build/build_test_report/testresults.xml as location for the JUnit report in XML format
  • Record JaCoCo coverage report
  • this option allows us to publish the results of the test coverage
  • provide **/build/build_server as Path to class directories
  • provide **/src as Path to source directories
  • To do report
  • Warnings