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WebView Client


These instructions are for building the WebView client for the Android platform.

What is a WebView Client?

WebView is an application that allows embedding or linking to websites or HTML code inside Android apps. The Stendhal WebView client is an app that simply uses this technology to link to the Stendhal web client which is accessed at

Android SDK

The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) libraries are required. You will need to install these on your system. The minimum supported version is currently 21.

Building from IDE

Android Studio

instructions not yet available


instructions not yet available


instructions not yet available

Building from Command Line

IMPORTANT: Before you can build from the command line/terminal, you must have a Java compiler provided by a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.


The Gradle Build Tool is used for building. The necessary tools are already included with the source code. Two scripts are provided for executing the build: app/android/gradlew for Unix/Linux systems and app/android/gradlew.bat for Windows.

In order for the build to complete, the scripts must know where the SDK libraries are located. The script will check the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable, or it will parse the value of sdk.dir in the app/android/ file (NOTE: Windows users must use double backslashes for directories (\\)).

Example for Unix/Linux:


Example for Windows:


NOTE: On Windows, if you used Android Studio to download the SDK, it will be located in C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk.

There are two build types available: assembleRelease and assembleDebug. From a command line or terminal, move into the app/android sub-directory and execute the following.

Unix/Linux example:

# with env variable set or sdk.dir set in
$ ./gradlew assembleRelease

# manually setting env variable
$ ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/path/to/sdk/root" ./gradlew assembleRelease

Windows cmd example (note that you do not need to include the ".bat" filename extension):

# with env variable set or sdk.dir set in
> gradlew assembleRelease

# manually setting env variable (do not use quotes)
> set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=C:\\path\\to\\sdk\\root
> gradlew assembleRelease

If build is used as the argument (gradlew build), it will execute all build types.

After build completes, the resulting .apk packages will be located in the <source root>/build directory.

Signing Packages

On most Android systems packages will need to be signed in order to work. By default Gradle will sign packages using a debugging keystore which must be installed in your home directory. You can specify a different keystore by creating a file app/android/ with contents as follows:



As with other instructions on building from the command line, the Android client can also be built with an Apache Ant target. The Ant target is a wrapper that calls the Gradle script and passes parameters to it. The same conditions related to invoking the Gradle scripts directly apply to using ant.

From the Stendhal source root directory, execute the following.

Unix/Linux example:

# with env variable set or sdk.dir set in
$ ant android

# manually setting env variable
$ ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/path/to/sdk/root" ant android

Windows cmd example:

# with env variable set or sdk.dir set in
> ant android

# manually setting env variable (do not use quotes)
> set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=C:\\path\\to\\sdk\\root
> ant android

The resulting .apk packages will be located in the <source root>/build directory.

The build type can be set manually using the property. Value can be one of assembleRelease or assembleDebug. The default is assembleDebug.

$ ant android

Alternatively, an argument line can be passed to Gradle using the gradle.params property:

$ ant android -Dgradle.params="assembleRelease assembleDebug"