Talk:Stendhal PVP Concept

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Keep PvP in the current way

PvP solves a number of issues:

  • Blocking small pathways in dungeons and similar places
  • People can team up against trouble makers to find an in-game solution to unsocial behaviour such as stealing, blocking, or attacking wounded players
  • Weak players are protected from being assaulted by stronger players (exploits in the protection have been fixed in 0.99).
  • It adds entertainment because players have to stay alert

Remove PvP and reset ATK / DEF level to 0

  • In the old days before the release of Stendhal 0.70 Rules of War camping (training) was wide spread which resulted in high level content being adapted to players which stats gained by camping. Stendhal 0.70 changed the fighting rules, so that camping is not required anymore. But people still love to camp in order to see their numbers go up. This is not only boring, but it also creates the impression to other players that camping is still useful or required.
  • Forgetting to logout in an unprotected area may result in being killed
  • Some PvP-players block NPCs which have quests
  • Open Issue: Find better ways to deal with social issues causes by few individuals on larger groups of players. Keep in mind that there are only few trustworthy admins with detailed knowledge on SQL (structure query language for low level database operations) that are willing to sacrifice huge amounts of their spare time to deal with trouble makers. So increasing demands on admins is not an option.

Other alternatives

  • Add a duelling system which allows PvP after both players has opted in with neither having an influence on stats nor resulting in death. (Problem to solve: In WoW this is commonly exploited by pulling creatures being pulled into a duel)
  • only remove stats gained by camping We don't have sufficient logging to identify those stats gained by PvP during for the last 7 years.

Abuse of multiple accounts for impromptu sign voting

More than 75% of the signs against PVP are created by the same person.

Please note: This is not a vote. We are looking for good ideas and concepts. Did you know, that Stendhal is completely open source developed by volunteers? You can help!

Friends helping to defend you?

I think the current uproar is about some players who single out other players for harassment and attack. It is an ugly thing to happen to a player and makes the Stendhal experience unpleasant, to say the least.

Two single camps have emerged so far, one to allow PvP but only with consent and restrictions, the other camp is to ban it altogether.

So far no camp has emerged to support unsolicited attacks and harassment. Perhaps [list of names] and others of their ilk could be asked for their views on this?

In my not so humble opinion, it they want to ambush, harass, attack each other, great. But leave the rest of the players alone.


In the old days, players worked together to defend their friends. Why does it not work anymore / in your case? --Hendrik Brummermann 07:49, 16 April 2012 (CEST)

Visibility of stats, impact of stats

  • If players like to see their stats increase, why not removing that?
  • The other point is, that training seems to be a bit worth the effort: Highly trained players spend less potions than untrained players. It might be an option to follow the ideas of the rules of war release 0.70 and put more weight in the normal level. But this has to be done carefully, because the game could become too easy.
  • Another option could be to make training less effective than normal playing, i.e. you can get more atk or def xp while you fight creatures. --Madmetzger 07:59, 17 April 2012 (CEST)

On PvP and PvP Training

Let's admit it. They both are an aspect of the game and if one likes to hunt down others or spend hours exchanging dagger blows with his trusted buddy for improving his ATK/DEF numbers rapidly, then fine. My preference goes to hunting down monsters instead of other players and when I really, but really-really feel like it, get some 'training by creatures' instead of just standing in one place for lengthy periods of time. It would help maybe a little more variety in suitable training creatures (more! more! more!) and and perhaps even a little re-balancing of the existing health restoring consumables. --Omero 13:04, 20 April 2012 (CEST)

A "little" summary

PvP is perhaps one of must discussed part of the game. There are different approaches and point of views around this "feature" on Stendhal.

    • A lot of player tends to be anti-social and kill as many players as they can trying to steal items and experience, damaging other players. They do also weird teqniches in order to do so
    • For this reason a "killed" player can feel bad and start to hates "killers"
    • In general "killers" are hated to everyone. Strongest player are happy to help everyone, but not an (unpolite) player killer.
    • the chance to train. There is a problem around skill upgrade while rising levels.... usually they tends to bad-alligned if you don't train at all. There are players however, regardless of that, that avoid at all pvp training
    • Admins says that pvp is also a solution to "erase" a char that block the way. So they afraid that removing it could be an invite for "blocker" players (players who tends to block) path.

Seeing all that points this can be a solution:

  • Allow pvp, but only if accepted by both players, like trade (like someone suggested)
  • to solve the "blockers" problem, 2 solutions can be (together) introduced instead of evil attacking an afk player
    • Already suggested by someone: auto-log-out if a char didn't make any kind of action in the last 5 minutes (movement, fish, 30 coin wish, searching gold with goldpan or whatever)
    • I add that auto-log-out can be forced ALSO if a char is pushed by someone else and the char pushed didn't do any action in the last 15 sec after push
    • Another idea can be that an "ignored" player can be passed out as it was a phantom

In this way:

    • pvp is allowed only if both players agree, avoiding anti-social problems related to pvp
    • deleting "free" pvp will not create a new problem related of "blocker" players
    • if someone try to train only defense staying idle in middle of creatures, he will logged out after only 5minutes. For this reason perpahs it is better to consider auto-log-out solution only after a "push" of another player if in the other character doesn't do any kind of action after 15 seconds after push.

Perhaps the "ghost ignored player" can be the awesome solution. So you can /ignore player, pass it and, eventually un-ignore it again if you want to don't ignore that player truely, but only bypass it


Don't trust the players who you don't know who ask you to train... mainly if they are too demanded. They are surely player killer that are trying to kill you unpoliting, using the fact you think they will stop if you are in danger (instead they want to kill you with this kind of "pit")
