Stendhal Quest Ideas/Pizza Maker Prize
Stendhal Quests
Leander could reward best couriers, for delivering certain number of pizzas without being late. Reward can be moneys or XP or (possibly better) free pizza :-) If player will drop pizza he must start from beginning.
Suggested Reward
Discussion and Comments
We could also add more NPCs to the pizza quest, for those in newer locations? (As long as the player can still get there). E.g. Garbiddle perhaps? Kymara 11:50, 22 March 2010 (UTC)
And a further idea: add to the information sets with NPC, flavor, etc, the min level that is appropriate for sending to this NPC and then only pick from the ones appropriate for the player, who to send to. Kymara 11:50, 22 March 2010 (UTC) done
An achievement for delivery 25 pizzas on time has been added. So perhaps the idea of a quest for a similar purpose is moot. - AntumDeluge (talk)